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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Randy Zaninetti
Willy Cutts posted a condolence
Saturday, June 8, 2024
I was a college room mate of Randy's for 3 years at the University of Maine. I have many fond memories of our adventures and misadventures. Although we lost touch through the years I thought of him often. Rest easy Randy.
Willy Cutts
Citra, Florida
Josh Buntin posted a condolence
Monday, July 24, 2023
My family and I loved a lot of Randy’s qualities. I believe our favorite was how handy he was, we loved all of his diy projects he did. We still have the big chest Randy built us years ago as a Christmas present although the hinges need replacing due to wear and tear from the kids we still love it and have our Christmas decorations stored in it. I am extremely happy to have had randy in our lives and for him to welcome all of us in his
Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Monday, July 24, 2023




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Jared Buntin uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 23, 2023




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Randy was a different person when our family met him. Awkward at times Randy had never really had kids around so it was a big adjustment for him when he met my mother. For awhile I thought he didn’t like us and just put up with us for my mother. Who knows how he felt back then because over the years the moments and visits between us really got to be as if he had always been there. It wasn’t just Ma anymore it was Ma and Randy. The more we got to know Randy his lovable traits started to shine. He loved to tell jokes and nothing was off the table of discussion. Whenever we had questions Randy had an answer. He was a great craftsman and I still find things that he created here and there that makes tasks easier or organize. He never said no if you needed help and when it came to having a drink he was ready to pour it for you. The past few years were pretty tough watching someone who you golfed with and built things with have to stop altogether it was even harder now that he had become so close with me and my family. Randy made a big impact in our lives and I can say with a smile that our family did for Randy as well! Randy accepted Jesus as his savior from his wife’s persistence, so I sleep easy knowing that I will one day we will see Randy again! We love you Randy (Jared,Sadie,Trevor,Natalie)
Megan Pyska posted a condolence
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Randy was always a “tell it how it is” kind of guy. He was the one to go to if you wanted someone’s honest opinion and at times, his honesty was just what you needed to hear. I’ll miss going over on my lunch break for a quick bite to eat and Randy getting up when I get there to make is lunch too. He also made quite the bartender at family events and always seemed to remember everyone’s drink of choice. Thanks for all the small talks, sarcasm and laughs! Rest Easy Randy, I’ll miss you!
Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 20, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 20, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 20, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 19, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 19, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 19, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 19, 2023




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Jody & Nate Pierce posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Randy and Shelley have been our neighbors in Hallowell for the past 7 years. Our young kids were fascinated by the motor home that was often parked in their driveway. We all remember one time when we were walking by and Randy invited the kids to take a look inside. It was such a sweet gesture. He was so proud of that motor home and our daughter was so enthralled she still talks about living in one someday.
He will be missed in the neighborhood.
Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Monday, July 17, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Monday, July 17, 2023



Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Monday, July 17, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Monday, July 17, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Monday, July 17, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Monday, July 17, 2023




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Sandra ONeill uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 16, 2023

I’m deeply sorry for the loss of such a brilliant and generous man! When I was battling cancer in Augusta Randy and Shelley would always be there lifting my spirits up ! Randy’s sense of humor was always on full display with compassion shining through at the same time! You will be missed Randy! Til’ we see each other again Sandy and Andy
Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Shelley Larrabee uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 13, 2023




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Through the years we made lots of friends together, from the wine tastings at the Lighthouse Inn outside on the patio and those on the island at our Florida home, to couples we met on the road in our motorhome. You, Randy, were always enthusiastic about entertaining and gatherings. Traveling was always fun but I remember that you took seriously the preparation and calculating of each trip. It made me chuckle. I'm so happy we fulfilled your retirement dream of traveling and taking in as many spectacular sights as possible throughout our beautiful country from our motorhome. You especially loved the cave, plane, and car museum tours. I even got you to do a number of hikes. You had over seven memorable years of traveling. You "white knuckled" the driving the whole way but never gave up regardless of the close calls navigating through busy city streets to narrow, winding roadways through mountain passes. Coming home to family was always nice for you until you got "itchy feet" to get up and go again. We had a busy life together for the time we had. I miss you.
Linda Berman uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 13, 2023




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Randy was a big part of the success of our neighborhood as it transitioned to condo ownership. He worked hard, volunteered much time and enjoyed the Journey. I moved in a few years after it became condos. Definitely a lively character, (and my neighbor)-!! Halloween seemed to be quite entertaining - thought you would like the pumpkin carving pictures and those of the first year of the Lighthouse Inn.
Candee McCafferty posted a condolence
Thursday, July 13, 2023
My big brother, you were always out there living your life to the fullest. I always looked up to you, admired your intelligence and your way of making things seem easy. With 11 years between us I always figured we would have more time to spend together doing fun things or me learning from you. Our trip( Me, Doug, Brandee & Luke) to Florida to surprise you on your 70th birthday was quite an adventure!!!
Until we meet again you will always be apart of my life. I love you big Brother!
Christine Hurley Piquette uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Christine Hurley Piquette posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Randy was my dads best friend growing up and was my God Father. I have fond memories of spending weekends and school breaks with Randy in Massachusetts. We would go to Boston. He would make fun of my Long Island accent (although he was from LI too) especially the way I said the word “fine”. I managed to come visit him once at the Inn while in college. In good old Randy fashion, it wasn’t much of a vacation, he put me to work.
Sadly, since I grew up, married and had a family of my own, we only managed to see each other twice in person. We kept in touch with occasional phone calls, birthday and Christmas cards through the years. My family recently moved to a state Randy also lived half the year in but the Lord had other plans. Rest In Peace Randy, you died way to early.
Brandee Doane uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 11, 2023



Randy was my BIG Brother he was always there for me. He help me in so may ways. The biggest help was he was my brother second he help me and my late husband Luke get started in our own motel in Ogunquit, Maine. He is going to be missed especially when he and Shelley were home his whole family would go out to eat. Lastly he was a smart Cookie. Going to miss you. Till we meet again Love you and take care of everyone up there :)
Branielle "Gaye" Bergeron uploaded photo(s)
Monday, July 10, 2023

I will always remember and cherish the summers that I spent with Uncle Randy at his hotel. I enjoyed the many conversations I had with him. The food was always great as well. I was spoiled with all of the breakfast pastries as well! I just wish that I liked lobster back then! I missed out on so much of it! Oh and who could ever forget about the "cold" baked potato at Bugaboo Creek! I will miss you!
Marianne Hurley posted a condolence
Sunday, July 9, 2023
In remembrance of Randy's adventurous spirit and infectious humor, his cherished nickname for me, 00h sa, will forever echo in my heart. His creative mind and skilled hands graced many facets of our lives, including the priceless blessing of being Christine's godfather. With intelligence that shone brightly and a warm friendliness that endeared him to all, he left an unforgettable imprint on our world. As we embarked together upon journeys from blest matrimony to challenging trails, Randy remained steadfastly by our side.
Cathy Smith posted a condolence
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Randy and Shelley were neighbors or mine and my husband in Florida for many years. He was one of the kindest and most generous people I have ever known. He always made his beautiful home available to us and our group for get togethers and spoiled us with s special treats. He was everything a friend should be.
Lorene Larrabee posted a condolence
Friday, July 7, 2023
Randy to me was an interesting guy. He made great food and always had interesting drinks for me to try. I didn’t know him really well but really like who I knew. I will miss him.
Jay Sharp posted a condolence
Friday, July 7, 2023
I am sure going to miss our dinners
Especially SLATES and the mussels.
I always enjoyed watching the Redsocks
With you and miss your comments.
I hope they have beer in heaven and if so have a tall cold one on me.
You fought a good fight and now you can rest in peace.
May GOD bless and keep you.
Jay Sharp
Ellen Sinett posted a condolence
Friday, July 7, 2023
Randy and I were neighbors at a condo in Dedham for many years. We shared good times on the condo Board and became close. We kept in touch when he moved to Maine and loved to go to the Lighthouse Inn for vacation to visit him. Dave and I even stayed in touch and visited in him in Florida.
He was by far one of the sharpest, most generous, friendliest, and funniest person that I knew. We also called him Handy Randy, because there was nothing he couldn’t do.
After a 40+ year friendship, I will greatly miss him.
Reese Hurley Posted Jul 7, 2023 at 11:45 AM
I moved to Huntington, N.Y. In 1959 when I first met Randy. We’ve become close friends ever since. Always got into some sort of mischief. Riding mini bike or go carts on our roads. We lived on a golf course use to take golf balls we found & put them all over the greens after they hit. Drove them nuts. We took a 3 month trip around the country. I think 1970 it was great. Spent time up state (pictures) my aunt & uncles. Then my wedding great times al around. God Bless him. Bless Candy & Brandy.
Dani & Joey uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 6, 2023

Our dearest neighbour and friend in Nettles Island….
Randy or as we thought of him “Tim (Randy) the Tool Man”. Joey needed a tool, Randy always had it…
We can see him now, sitting outside smoking his cigar…that’s when you could get a good joke or story out of Randy.….and of course our memorable monthly wine tasting, the highlight of the month…the wine we drank…the food we ate and the laughs we shared….
Randy you will surely be missed❤️
Peggy Bishop posted a condolence
Thursday, July 6, 2023
……… A knock at the door …. “I need someone to babysit my blind cat B52 and my dog Max” …… this is how I met Randy / Shelley …. Always a very passionate animal lover … Randy always texted me to love his animals if he/ Shelley were going to see family here in Florida ! His vision …. creativity w/ his many works of all different “Shell Art “Wall plaques ….wind chimes …. coasters. We have lost a “ truly good man “ and that is a sad loss in this day and age ! Randy was “one of a kind” ! They broke the mold w/ him ! Randy was all about loving his family , kind , humble , gentle , genuine ! What you saw is what you got w/ Randy ! No acts ! Plain simple ,humble ….. generous … he shared so much kindness to me !
Kelly & Jane McInerney uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Kelly and I, (Jane), has met Randy casually through mutual friends in 1997 or 99. We were in Maine mostly every weekend year round. When our friend Hackie sold the original Inn on the Blues on Shortsands Beach, she saw d “go stay at Randy’s place” so we did in 2000. Meeting with Randy again….Kelly and I were like…. geez this guy’s an A**%#*!. But we continued to stay at The Lighthouse Inn because…location-pool and sitting outside in the evening with adult beverages. One evening Kelly started busting Randy about his constant Croc shoe wearing…LOL! Yup he started joining us for evening beverages. In the company of Chuck , Gail , wine tasting and fun. One Forth of July Randy, Kelly, Chuck Gail and myself…along with the wine of course; all squished on the top floor balcony to watch the Fireworks over Shortsands Beach. Later that evening when Chuck was turning in…you could hear him yelling at Randy for “short sheeting” his bed, which Randy did just about every time they stayed.
When Randy met Shelley, he of course introduced us, after that meeting Kelly and I were like … wow, she’s super nice and fun! …What’s she doing with Randy..? lol!
As we all know they became a fun, loving and amazing couple!
They would stop by at times in central Massachusetts to go out for dinner with us, we would visit with them in Florida and Hallowell, especially when they traveled back to Hallowell for Christmas holiday.
We are grateful and blessed to have them in our lives.
Randy will be missed beyond measure.
Jeff Pyska posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Randy was in the Hotel and Restaurant business for much of his life. He was up early to make sure the coffee was fresh and hot, and the breakfast buffet was top notch and ready to go! One by one his customers would come down from their rooms and Randy would be there greeting each and everyone, making sure they had everything they needed before heading off to enjoy the day! He took much pleasure from this, and being the perfectionist he was, he expected the same kind of perfection from the waitstaff when he was out enjoying a meal at a restaurant. Over the years it was always entertaining watching and listening to Randy and my mother, his wife, Shelley bickering ever so innocently over the performance of the waitstaff when out to eat! Randy had no problem letting them know when their performance was subpar, and my mom, ever so kind hearted, always sticking up for the staff, would shush him and say "Randy that's enough!" He would then go on to explain what he felt wasn't quite right, and before you knew it the discussion was over and we all sat back and enjoyed a little laugh about the whole thing! Randy was a bit of a perfectionist in everything he did, a jack of all trades, he could fix just about anything and if it couldn't be fixed, he would build or rig something up so that it solved the problem. He will be missed immensely!

A Memorial Tree was planted for Randy Zaninetti
Sunday, July 2, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Direct Cremation of Maine Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Randy Zaninetti uploaded a photo
Friday, June 30, 2023

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